We made it to BC! January 17th: The day before our big departure, we got our covid PCR tests, which are needed to enter Canada. The results were valid for 72 hours so we had our work cut out for us to get across the border within this time frame. The clock was ticking…. Ready, Set, Go! January 18th : 5:00 am we hit the road - photo of Greg below who was so psyched! You can’t tell but he already has his ski boots on. We drove 17 hours, then hit a truck stop to sleep a bit. We were somewhere in Minnesota. The hum of the diesel engines was good white noise. January 19th: Windy day makes for jostling van. Sue tired. Greg not impacted in the slightest. January 20th: 3 days, 3 Wordle games, 8 PB&Js, and 12 fuel stops later, we cross the Canadian border with just minutes to spare. Phew. I am not experiencing the relaxing part of retirement just yet. Let the skiing begin! We met our friends Tom, Jeani...